辛迪库拉 (Retired) | 意图 CPA-安全的赌博软件
Jun 30, 2020

Episode 239: Tax Planning For Business Owners

Businesses are in need of increased cash flow these days. Find out what tax opportunities now exist as a result of the coronavirus crisis.

Save Money With Tax Credits

A closer look at four fantastic business tax credits is just a click away!

The Scorecard: Qualified Opportunity Zones vs. Section 1031 Exchanges

Both options provide great tax benefits, but which one is better?

Do You Have A Plan For Your Golden Years?

When the time comes, will you be able to secure the retirement of your dreams? This check list can help.

After Tax Season

Now that the first tax season is over, how did the TCJA affect you? It will depend on a variety of factors, including your earnings, filing status, dependents and ages, and where you live. 意图d on to learn more.
Feb 11, 2019

episode 170 – let’s talk about tax, baby!

It's time to take control and own this tax season! Listen (or watch) 意图 tax expert, 辛迪库拉, discuss financial security and tax returns on this episode of unsuitable on 意图 Radio!
Feb 11, 2019

episode 170 – transcript

意图d the "official transcript" of this episode of unsuitable on 意图 Radio to understand how to maximize your tax returns and achieve financial security.

Investing In A Qualified Opportunity Fund

Does it make sense for you to invest in a Qualified Opportunity Fund? Let's take a closer look.

IRS Will Waive Estimated Tax Penalties

Like so many others, did you underpay your estimated taxes or not have enough federal income tax withheld? The IRS is waiving the penalty.

How To Prepare For Tax Season Before Dec. 31

Set aside a little time to start preparing for the 2019 tax season now with these tax planning tips.

Encourage Employees to Check Their 2018 Withholdings

Changes that resulted from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will impact your employee's tax situation. Make sure they are withholding the right amount for taxes.

Unique Tax Savings Opportunity for Older Taxpayers

Those who are older than 70 1/2 no longer have to itemize their charitable deductions to receive a tax benefit. all they need is an IRA.

Tax Reform And You

With the passage and implementation of the TCJA, comes a lot of changes for taxpayers to wrap their heads around – but we’re up to the challenge.

Scorecard For The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act

Will your company win or lose as a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act? This scorecard breaks it down.

Taking A Look At The Tax Bill

We know your head is probably spinning with tax reform questions. After all, this is the most wide-ranging tax reform since 1986. Having said that, not paying attention to the changes coming with the new tax law could cost you a significant amount of money. So, what are the major implications of the tax reform … 继续

Understanding Business Insurance

Knowing how to handle your business insurance filing when taxes are due can be more work than necessary. Without the proper guidance, you could miss out on tax benefits.
Jan 22, 2018

episode 117: what individuals need to know about filing 2018 tax returns & trump’s tax reform initiative

辛迪库拉, a senior manager and regional tax expert at 意图, joins us on unsuitable to talk about the many ways tax reform will impact individuals when they go to file their 2018 tax returns. 听现在!

With Tax Season Comes Tax Scams

With tax return season right around the corner, it is important to be on alert for different tax scams relating to identity theft and refund fraud. Check out this article to learn more.